
"Head Above Water"

  " Got to get everything I wanted  'Cause this shit just last a moment" - Marian Mereba Roughly 10-12 years ago, I fell in love with being on the radio. I still remember the very first day I got on-air. One of my friends from college was in our on campus radio and I stuck my head in the door to see what was going on. She invited me to come take a seat to listen to her show. During the commercial break, we were talking and she turned to me and said, "when we come back from break, I'm going to introduce you and you can say whatever." Trying to contain my excitement, I had a whole spiel lined up for when she cued me in. But as you can guess, when she gave me the introduction, as if we didn't just have the conversation,  I got nervous and clammed up. From that moment on, I knew that radio was where I was supposed to be. After she graduated, she handed down the title of station manager to me and that gave birth to my first project, TeamFlatRadio. For those w...

"Set The Example"

 "Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal worthwhile." - Vince Lombardi There's one thing that we can all agree on: the world has officially lost it's marbles. From the many events that are happening across the seas to the decisions being made on our home front, it seems as if the world has lost it's sense of direction. While it seems that all hope is lost, I have come with light in these times of darkness. The words that I'm about to speak in this blog may upset you but within that frustration, lies the answers to all of our problems. Before we can put the task on anybody to look after us, we have to set the example. But before we dive into the feather ruffling, let's break down the quote to set the tone. Vince Lombardi is one of the greatest  NFL coaches of all time. Mostly known for his on the field accolades, it is his philosophies off the field that hold the ans...

"Walk Your Path With Worthiness"

  "A lot of doubt and uncertainty in our lives comes from not knowing that we are worthy" - Unknown In the era of instant gratification, it is easy for one to get lost in the sauce. It's easy to lose track of our progress when we lose focus of our self. I too, have fell victim of losing control of the wheel and allowing self doubt to ruin a good situation. One thing that I'm constantly being reminded of is that in order to transcend your current situation is to remember who you are. In order to elevate to our higher calling, we must do the shadow work to remind ourself that we are worthy of all that we ask for. But before we dig deeper, we must highlight the definition of worthiness. According to definition, worthiness means: the quality of being good enough; suitability. 2. the quality of deserving attention or respect. When you break down the definition, according to the WHO, "an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the cultur...

"The Disappointment Declaration"

  "You don't know how much I've done to get where I'm at. You don't know how much I've done to stay where I'm at." - K Camp To be honest with you, 2022 didn't start the way I visualized it. I thought I was manifesting a new page in my life and 4 months in, everything has been in complete dissaray. Yeah, you're right, there are 3 quarters left for things to turn around but I want to be current and transparent with my readers: this year started off like shit. From multiple job changes, challenges of being a rookie parent to twins, facing harsh truths in my relationship, prioritizing the energy I need to spend for my podcast and etc, I can honestly admit that I fumbled the bag.  If you've listened to my podcast, you know that I'm far from perfect. I've written close to 50+ motivational blogs and over 10+ episodes for my podcast. In no way shape or form do I want to give off the impression that I am all knowing and without flaw. I am al...

“The Acceptance Letter”

  “ The more often you practice acceptance, the more you will see that each moment has a purpose, a lesson to teach you, a reason for unfolding the way that it does .” - Unknown  One of my favorite quotes of all time states: “an arrow can only be shot forward by being pulled backwards” . If we think about the sport of Archery, “the draw” and the importance of velocity/distance of an arrow, we can draw very similar comparisons to our life.  We walk aimlessly until we realize that we have a calling that we haven’t tapped into. Once we locate our target (or desired level of interest, we are loading up an arrow. The adversities that we face along the way weren’t intended to derail us, they were providing key insights on how to make it to the next level in life. As we continue to pursue our dreams, applying the lessons learned, this would be considered, “The Draw” because we face a lot of resistance only to be catapulted faster than ever to our dreams once we realize that each...

“Operation MYDB (Mind Your Damn Business)

  Operation: MYDB (Mind Your Damn Business) “Just like our stomachs , are minds are hurt more often by overeating than by hunger” - Petrarch Pride, lust, envy, wrath, sloth, greed and gluttony. These are the 7 deadly sins that the Roman Catholic Church warned their followers about. While they all carry their own independent challenges and repercussions (and corresponding antonyms: humility, charity, chastity, patience, diligence, temperance & gratitude), our focal point today is going to be on greed and gluttony.  In my opinion, these two words alone have single handedly causes more distraction and destruction than atomic bombs. Why? Because greed is never satisfied. Greed, by definition,  means an “intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.” Greed is worse than an atomic Bomb because it can be taught, passed down through generations and have the same impact as the MOAB. It teaches limitations, lack (in both quantity and discipline). ...