"Set The Example"

 "Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal worthwhile." - Vince Lombardi

There's one thing that we can all agree on: the world has officially lost it's marbles. From the many events that are happening across the seas to the decisions being made on our home front, it seems as if the world has lost it's sense of direction. While it seems that all hope is lost, I have come with light in these times of darkness. The words that I'm about to speak in this blog may upset you but within that frustration, lies the answers to all of our problems. Before we can put the task on anybody to look after us, we have to set the example. But before we dive into the feather ruffling, let's break down the quote to set the tone.

Vince Lombardi is one of the greatest  NFL coaches of all time. Mostly known for his on the field accolades, it is his philosophies off the field that hold the answers in which we seek. Team sports have been the bridge between communities since it's conception. The locker room has always been a place where both men and women can gather amongst their comrades and create bonds that will last an eternity, While words may come across one way, the life we lead is the one that speaks the loudest volume. To be a leader on/off the field, they must be able to control their emotions and focus on the next play. When the huddle is called, there is no outside chatter or sidebar conversation. It's all eyes on the captain of the team to make sure everybody is on the same page. It is the duty of the field/court general to call out all formation changes and audibles to make the necessary adjustments when the opponent shows something favorable or to exploit a flaw in the play.

While those qualities are important, it is the actions of the general that supercede his voice in the locker room and on the playing field. When the team wins, it's the leader of the team that gets the spotlight. But just as they get the spotlight when everything is going right, they also get 98% of the blame when the game has been fumbled. The wins are important but it's how the leader can adjust to adversities afrer a loss that can make or break a team. If the leader is a sore loser and complains about the play calling, constantly calling out players and etc, their will be conflict in the locker room. But if the captain understands his role, he understands that humility is a part of the territory. He understands that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. He understands that his actions can cause both unity and division. Real leaders stand tall through adversities and cheer up their teammates when the time is called. They also put the team on their back when necessary to make sure the victory is won.

To tie that into the conversation, we have to set the tone in our lives in order for the outside world to become a better place. We all have to do our part everyday by continuosly spreading positivity and love throughout all transactions. Whether it's pursuing a calling, climbing the ranks at your job or bettering yourself along your personal journey, there are people who are looking up to you. There are people, right now, celebrating your accomplishments and bragging to their peers how they know someone doing something amazing. There are people, right now, that are inspired by your testimony and you secretly are giving them the strength to keep going.

For me, it is my family. It wasn't until recently that I've come to grips that their life outweighs the need of mine. I've come to the realization that all though they aren't able to communicate, they are still able to pick up on my body language. So if there's going to be anybody that shows them right from wrong, it's my job as a father to set a great example for them. It's our responsibilities as parents to lay down the blueprint in which they will handle their daily moves. They will know what hardwork looks like because they will look at the example we provide for them and they will want to mimic/reciprocate that love that we show them at home.

For you, it may be different. Maybe you don't have kids that look up to you but remember, social media has became a safe haven for a lot of people. You may have somebody on your follower list that wants to start their own campaigm but are unsure of how to get from point A to point B. By paying attention to your grind, they have become students of your game and are eager to learn from your trials and tribulations. You may have a coworker that's close to you and you share a closer bond than the one you have with your own blood. They may see you fight battles that noone else knows about but because of your resilience, you have brought out the best in them and they proceed to carry out their version of who you were to them.

If the world we live in is going to get any better, it has to start with the man / woman in the mirror. It starts with understanding that you aren't perfect but the knowledge in knowing that you can always get better. It starts with being kind to one another and being the energy you wish to seek.  If the world we love and cherish so much is going to get any better, it's time that we stop searching externally for help and tap in to ourselves and communities to change the trajectory in which we are headed. The story you have with the places you've been, highs and lows you've experienced, weren't designed to keep you in a cage. They were designed to show you that you are stronger and more capable of succeeding in whatever avenue you choose.

I've come to grips with an important piece of information that I'm not sure most people take seriously. We live in an ever evolving dimension in which at any given point in time, we can be whoever we want to be. Drake said it best in his "Chicago" freestyle, "I decide what to see next like I'm on demand. I decide what to do next like I'm switching plans." We aren't confined to the life that we are currently in. We aren't confined to our limited experiences. The Universe, Spirit Numbers, God, whoever you pray to, has strategically put us here with the hopes that we can grow to be anything we want. By setting the example, not only are you showing others the way to treat you, you are showing yourself that you are who you say you are. 

When Coach Lombardi said, "Leaders are made, not born", he was saying that the adversities we face along our journey are stepping stones to who we were destined to be. Nothing worth having will come overnight. (I've been having this convo with myself lately.) It is with consistent action and a positive mentality that separates the leaders from the followers. It is the knowledge of the pain that comes with losing that drives the leader to keep everyone on their A-game. It is the leaders perseverance that tells his team that no matter what happens, we are going to keep going until we get it right. 

The adversities we are facing right now are arrows pointing us in the direction of the person we are destined to be. It is through these tough times that we remain solid in what we believe in and continue to be the light for those around us. We all have our own goals, dreams and aspirations. In order for us to reach them, we must be the person we aim to be. Every day, little by little, we should be making strides towards the direction we want our life to go. If we are going to solve any of the world's problems, we must first solve our own. If we want the world to see us as human beings and not a living science experiment, we must set the example on how the world treats us by how we treat ourselves.

Don't get me wrong there are a ton of things that we could say needs changing but the only true change that's going to mean anything, is the change we do within. We were all designed to be Kings and Queens. We are designed to break free of the shackles that have been placed on us hundreds and thousands of years ago. In order to tap into that (what I like to call, God-Frequency), we must first believe in ourself. Without that  belief, we can't lead anybody to do anything. Without putting the 10,000+ hours in ourselves, we can't expect everyone to know how to act unless we show it to them first.

Starting today, let's set the example for our lives by being the example. Everyday we wake up, we start with a fresh slate to get it right. I've said this tons of times, affirmations have helped me overcome my darkest days and remaining focused on who I want to be for everyone in my life. Let's use daily affirmations to ensure that we are choosing life over death. Let's start with these: I am a beacon of positivity. I am leading the life I want to live by taking daily conscious efforts to get better. If I must be better, I must do better and starting today, I am going to let my light shine. I am going to allow my light to show those that come after me the right way to move.

#Its2022WeGotShitToDo. Don't waste another second begging someone to acknowledge you as a person. Acknowledge yourself first, set the tone and be the example. 

- SB


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