"The Disappointment Declaration"


"You don't know how much I've done to get where I'm at. You don't know how much I've done to stay where I'm at." - K Camp

To be honest with you, 2022 didn't start the way I visualized it. I thought I was manifesting a new page in my life and 4 months in, everything has been in complete dissaray. Yeah, you're right, there are 3 quarters left for things to turn around but I want to be current and transparent with my readers: this year started off like shit. From multiple job changes, challenges of being a rookie parent to twins, facing harsh truths in my relationship, prioritizing the energy I need to spend for my podcast and etc, I can honestly admit that I fumbled the bag. 

If you've listened to my podcast, you know that I'm far from perfect. I've written close to 50+ motivational blogs and over 10+ episodes for my podcast. In no way shape or form do I want to give off the impression that I am all knowing and without flaw. I am also a piece of work and I use these outlets to leave notes to myself to push forward when I can't see a way out. When they say the power of the tongue is real, believe it. Because I've made podcast episodes and inspirational blogs on a topic that I thought I understood and every single time, life sends me for a loop to test if I stand on what I speak.

As we refer to the picture that inspired this post, we must first have a true understanding about disappointment. At some point in your life, unfortunately, disappointment is inevitable. Whether it be financially, personal conflict, relationships becoming unhinged, at some point in time you are going to be let down. It's easier said than done but there is always a lesson to be learned from disappointment. There is always a remedy for a wounded heart. There's always a lesson in pursuing your calling and grinding to be financially reimbursed for your sacrifices. The answer 100% of the time lies within. Finding peace within helps bring clarity to your life and allows you to see the path designated for you.

When we observe our journey through life, we will find many situations that changed us. We look at all the highs that happen to us and give credit to those times for instilling the winner mentality. Although the good times play a good role into who we are, it is our adversities and how we overcome them that really speak on our behalf. During these times of hardship, it is important to stay grounded in who you are. By understanding these disappointments or times when things went left and not right, we begin our journey to self understanding and forgiveness.

I recently had a chance to catch the most recent installation to the Spider-Man series and there was a scene with Peter and MJ that helps validate my point. As Peter, MJ & Ned talk about their plans after high school, MJ pointed out that "if you expect disappointment then you can never be disappointed". While that statement holds weight , it can also be the key to unlocking our true potential.

By reaching for the stars, no matter the current circumstance, you allow yourself the opportunity to evolve past your "disappointements" and help you understand something you've always wondered: that you ARE worthy. We all have a dream, a goal or something we are striving to obtain and embracing the journey and the bumps in the road that we will encounter will help us create a clear picture into the person we want to be.

With that being said, to Big Nol and Cece, there will come a time when you two will understand the sacrifices that your mother and I made to keep you two safe. You will see that our journey wasn't perfect but it aligned perfectly with how your lives will play out. Regardless of what happens between me and your mom, know that we will always love you and do whatever it takes to give you all a life that we didn't have.

To the mother of my children, you will always be #1 in my heart. You've brought so much peace and joy to my life that nobody will be able to duplicate. I know our situation hasn't always been favorable but as I always say, when we get to where we got to be, it will all make sense. Your personal happiness has always been a top priority to me. Whether it's with me or we have to go our separate ways, just know that you have helped extend the Hollis family lineage and for that I will forever give thanks like a pilgrim. You are the best thing to happen to me and I hope that our journey will continue to inspire you on your journey.

To my friends who've been there for me through my 90 number changes and mental instabilities I am forever grateful for you as well! I couldn't be more grateful for the people that I have in my life that help keep me focused on the prize. You all have a seat at my table. We are going to make it. Y'all know who y'all are, I want you to know that I appreciate you for seeing me for me and I will continue to strive to make you proud. 

To my family, I know the last 10 years post Benedict have been beyond stressful but I appreciate y'all. I know alot of my thought processes and life decisions have been eradic and unexplainable but I can promise you that with every fiber in my body, I will right my wrongs by evolving into the person you all raised me to be. This post has made me realized how much pain I've caused over the years but I want y'all to know that I love y'all. And no matter what happens in my life, I will always remember the love y'all have given me. 

Lastly, to all my supporters of #TheRoleUpPodcast. It's been a dream of mine to broadcast the ideas and philosophies that have shaped me into the person I am today. Like I said earlier, I am not perfect and I don't want to give the vibe that I'm all knowing. While I am taking a break from social media, I can vow that no matter what happens , I'm going to keep pursuing this dream to inspire you all that great things can happen.

This is my declaration, that no matter what happens in my life, I won't let my failures be the highlight of my life. I will keep fighting the battle mentally to provide an example that the Laws of Attraction do work. It is my declaration that no matter what happens, I will always be the stand up guy that I've needed in my life. I will protect what's mine and make any sacrifice possible in order to keep the light shining.

No matter if it's day 1 or 671, observe your life. Take note of all the good times but don't forget to look at the times of adversity. Look back at the times you didn't think you'd make it and embrace that you don't look like what you've been through. Join me in making a declaration that you will use your disappointements as a way to uplift yourself to supersede your expectations! 

This is my Disappointment Declaration. 

- SB 


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