"Walk Your Path With Worthiness"
"A lot of doubt and uncertainty in our lives comes from not knowing that we are worthy" - Unknown
In the era of instant gratification, it is easy for one to get lost in the sauce. It's easy to lose track of our progress when we lose focus of our self. I too, have fell victim of losing control of the wheel and allowing self doubt to ruin a good situation. One thing that I'm constantly being reminded of is that in order to transcend your current situation is to remember who you are. In order to elevate to our higher calling, we must do the shadow work to remind ourself that we are worthy of all that we ask for. But before we dig deeper, we must highlight the definition of worthiness.
According to definition, worthiness means: the quality of being good enough; suitability. 2. the quality of deserving attention or respect. When you break down the definition, according to the WHO, "an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns". In other words, our quality of proving that we are worthy relies on our past experiences and the virtues instilled in us.
It's no one else's responsibility to see our worthiness. It is no one else's responsibility to acknowledge the sacrifices and decisions we've made to get to where we are. It is our duty to acknowledge ourselves and put in conscious effort to remember that we come from championship lineage. It's our responsibility to prove to yourself that we are worthy.
When it comes to walking our journey, it's our responsibility to keep in mind that we can have anything that we can dream of. It's our job to gas up ourselves in order to ensure that we make it to our designation. Because the sad truth is, if we hold our breath waiting for someone to validate our worthiness, 98% of the time we are going to suffocate ourselves.
If we look at fire for example, it's the warmth of the fire that draws our attention to the fire. Wild fires spread due to the fact that air helps fuel the destruction. But when you extinguish the fire or prevent air flow to a fire, the flame dies almost instantly. Comparing the fire that burns within us to that of a wild fire, it's our job to provide the air/fuel to our flame. Relying on other people to validate our dreams and experiences puts a cover on our flame and if we aren't careful, the flame will die.
To walk our path in worthiness means to acknowledge our strength and give praise when it's necessary. Walking your path in faith means that no matter what happens, you keep your feet moving. As the saying goes in sports, slow feet don't eat. Keeping your eye on the prize and pushing through adversity while celebrating our own journey keeps our flame alive. A candle never loses it's flame by lighting another candle. When you walk in your purpose, you are allowing your light to shine and blessing others with the opportunity of rekindling their flame. To tap into that God level frequency and adding value to others will boost our self-worth. The increase will lead to showing others that they too can achieve anything.
As I said in the first episode of the podcast, we must regain control of the wheel. We must regain control of our thoughts and embrace our magnetic abilities. Standing your ground and understanding your worth makes you unfuckwithable. Meaning that no matter what happens, you are confident in your process and use that confidence to propel you to the next height.
Starting today, we are taking our power back. We are reclaiming our self worth and using it to walk our path in faith. When we remember that we are worthy of everything we ask for, we will begin to move with purpose. An individual that moves with purpose is a bad mamma jamma and you my friend are a bad mamma jamma.
The second quarter of the year has started, let's make it count. Remember, #In2022WeGotShitToDo. Let's get it done.
- SB
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