"Head Above Water"

" Got to get everything I wanted 'Cause this shit just last a moment" - Marian Mereba Roughly 10-12 years ago, I fell in love with being on the radio. I still remember the very first day I got on-air. One of my friends from college was in our on campus radio and I stuck my head in the door to see what was going on. She invited me to come take a seat to listen to her show. During the commercial break, we were talking and she turned to me and said, "when we come back from break, I'm going to introduce you and you can say whatever." Trying to contain my excitement, I had a whole spiel lined up for when she cued me in. But as you can guess, when she gave me the introduction, as if we didn't just have the conversation, I got nervous and clammed up. From that moment on, I knew that radio was where I was supposed to be. After she graduated, she handed down the title of station manager to me and that gave birth to my first project, TeamFlatRadio. For those w...