“Operation MYDB (Mind Your Damn Business)

Operation: MYDB (Mind Your Damn Business) “Just like our stomachs , are minds are hurt more often by overeating than by hunger” - Petrarch Pride, lust, envy, wrath, sloth, greed and gluttony. These are the 7 deadly sins that the Roman Catholic Church warned their followers about. While they all carry their own independent challenges and repercussions (and corresponding antonyms: humility, charity, chastity, patience, diligence, temperance & gratitude), our focal point today is going to be on greed and gluttony. In my opinion, these two words alone have single handedly causes more distraction and destruction than atomic bombs. Why? Because greed is never satisfied. Greed, by definition, means an “intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.” Greed is worse than an atomic Bomb because it can be taught, passed down through generations and have the same impact as the MOAB. It teaches limitations, lack (in both quantity and discipline). ...